Monday 18 October 2010



Storyline/ Script:


  1. Train station (start) – Girl 1, Guy 1
  2. Bridge chase fight scene – Guy 2, Attacker Guy 1, Attacker Guy 2, Main Attacker Guy 3
  3. Train station (getting angry) -  Girl 1, Guy 1
  4. Toilets girl being pregnant – Girl 2
  5. Walking down the street, guys talking about football – Guy 1, Guy 3, Guy 4
  6. Pregnant girl telling friend – Girl 2, Girl 3
  7. Girl circling around her with people kissing – Girl 4, Girl 5, Guy 2
  8. Train station (arguing) - Girl 1, Guy 1
  9. Park, holding girl back – Girl 5, Guy 4
  10. Girl fight rolling scene - Girl 4, Girl 5
  11. At home, door scene – Girl 3
  12. Leaving house, phone call scene – Girl 4
  13. Suitcase bedroom scene – Girl 5, Guy 2
  14. Brick wall – Girl 2, Guy 3
  15. Train station ending – Girl 1, Guy 1
  16. Final shot of group all together, with show times on screen – Girl 1, Girl 2, Girl 3, Girl 4, Girl 5, Guy 1, Guy 2, Guy 3, Guy 4

Extras – 
Attacker Guy 1
Attacker Guy 2
Main Attacker Guy 3
Group of friends -
Girl 1 – Girlfriend on the train station
Girl 2 – Pregnant girl, tells friend, gets distress on brick wall
Girl 3 – Friend of pregnant girl, girl shutting door at home
Girl 4 – Girl who is hurt by people kissing, gets in fight with that girl, gets suspended
Girl 5 – Girl who kisses guy, gets in fight with girl who sees this, breaks up with guy in suitcase scene
Guy 1 – Boyfriend at train station, Guy getting bullied by football friends
Guy 2 – Gets chased and beat up, guy kissing girl, guy gets dumped in suitcase scene
Guy 3 – Football bully, helps distress girl at brick wall
Guy 4 – Football bully, holds girl back

Not in order:

· Train station/Heaton Norris park:

Begins with Boy 1 and Girl 1 on bench
Establishing shot, long shot, to full shot, to close up, to two shot, to extreme close up to his face

Boy 1:    “We’re in trouble”

Extreme close up of eyes shift and worried.
Close up of her face looking at him all worried.

Starts music, fast paced.

· Mersey Way Bridge and path:

Low angle floor shot, see Boy 1 run pass, puddle splash, quickly followed by 3 guys chasing him.

Attackers:           “Oui!”
Attackers:           “Get here”

Switch to hand held point of view of Boy 1, camera falls to ground. Quick switch to side view of Boy 1 half gets up, as you see Attackers catch up and grab him, grab his hood and throw him back and push him around a bit. 

Boy 1:                    “Get off me”

Switch back to point of view, low angle looking up at attackers. Two attackers holding him down, main attacker in middle.
(More aggressive)

Attacker 1:          “You sneaky shit!”

                Switches to over the shoulder shot of main attacker looking down at Boy 1.

Boy 1:                    “It wasn’t my fault”

Switch back to point of view.

Attacker 1:          “You said you wouldn’t tell anyone, it had to stay hidden, you’ve ruined everything for me”
Boy 1:                    “I didn’t have a choice though, it was getting out of hand, I had to tell someone. I                                               -                              couldn’t keep it to myself any longer!”
Attacker 1:          “You’re just a pathetic...”

                                PUNCH! In the camera

· Train station/Heaton Norris park:

Two shot of Boy 1 and Girl 1 on the bench. Then to over the shoulder, reverse angle edit.
(Starting to get annoyed at each other)

Girl 1:                    “How did it come to this? You said we wouldn’t have a problem”
Boy 1:                    “It’s wasn’t just me that slipped-up. We all decided to do this”
Girl 1:                    “But it was always about you, we did this all to help you!”

· Different montage of quick sequences:

Music gets really loud and fast

· Walking down the street:

Track of 3 boys walking down the street towards to camera, handheld. Switch from two shot of Boy A and Boy B, to close up of Boy C.

Boy A:              “That was a rubbish lesson, almost fell asleep"
Boy B:              “Yeah but at least we've got football tonight man! You're going down right!"
Boy C:              “Yeah, well we'll see. I've got to see my girl tonight"
Boy A:              “Why are you with that skank all the time? We're your really mates"
Boy B:              "Are you gonna come back to the boys and do what you are actually meant to be doing instead of bedding your girlfriend all the fricken time?!"

· In home toilets, girl sat with back to the bath:

Small pan of bathroom to side view of Girl A, lots of close ups of her face, and extreme close ups of her eyes and hands. Girl starring at pregnancy test.

Girl A:                    “Please don’t be positive... "

· Cut to outdoor location:

Over the shoulder and two shot

Girl A:              “Girl B.. I’m pregnant”
Girl B:              “Oh god, it’ll be okay”

Girl B hugs Girl A. Then secretly gives snicker look towards Girl A while hugging, over shoulder shot.

· Park/ anywhere:

Girl X, quick zoom/ walk towards her with the camera, then circles around her to over the shoulder of her seeing a boy and girl kissing. She has shock face.

· Park/ anywhere:

Over shoulder of Boy/Girl Z with Girl Y running towards the camera, as Boy/Girl Z holds them back 

Girl Y:              “Nooo!!”

· Train station/Heaton Norris park:

Two shot of Boy 1 and Girl 1 on the bench. Then to over the shoulder, reverse angle edit.
(In heated argument). Angry face.

Girl 1:                    “I can’t believe you did this. You’ve ruined everything for us”
Boy 1:                    “Just stop it”

· Alex park (hill):

Long shot of two girls about to fight each other. Switches to over the shoulder.

Girl 2:                    “Ahh you bitch!”

Switches to over the other shoulder.

Girl 3:                    “What?!”

                Girl 2 ruby tackles Girl 1 to the ground on hill, scuffling, starts rolling towards reservoir. Switched to long shot of them 

· At home, bedroom:

Fade in black. POV of clothes falling on camera, switches to side view of Girl 8 throwing clothes out of a suitcase Guy 9 as he wakes up.

Girl 1:                    “What have you done? We’re finished!”

· Leaving the house:

(Filming girl on phone, then person on phone to use dialogue to make over voice). Girl 20 walks out the front door and tracks her walking walks to go to college towards camera, phone rings, get phone out of pocket, extreme close up of phone ‘College calling’. Close up of her face as she’s on phone.

Girl 20:                        “Hello”
College:           “Girl 20 we have decided that we have suspended you for the week on the accusations that you have vandalised the school grounds”

· At home/ indoors:

Girl M runs into a room and closes the door, holds on to the door handle trying to keep the door shut. Medium close up from diagonal, showing her and the door.

· Brick wall:

Girl P (pregnant girl?) crying and then Guy/Girl Q grabs her buy the coat and shoves her against the wall. Over the shoulder and two shot, handheld.

Guy/ Girl Q:                 “Pull yourself together”

· Final scene: Train station/Heaton Norris park:

Two shot of Boy 1 and Girl 1 on the bench. Then to over the shoulder, reverse angle edit, close up of the sad faces.
(Sad ending)
Girl 1 gets up and collects bag

Girl 1:                    “I can’t do this anymore”

Switches to camera from across the tracks, train pulls up, stops (quickly stops, fasts up) train pulls away, just him on the bench.

· Ending, brick wall:

Whole group leaning against the wall. Switches to title card. Show times and channel.

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