Tuesday 19 October 2010

Previous planning before I moved groups.

Before moving groups I researched and planned a soap trailer based on something like waterloo road or eaastenders. This was because it was easy to film something similar to these soaps within my college. I worked with a class mate called jack and we story boarded a clip of eastenders that was similar to what we were looking to make.

Setting: High School.
Plot: The camera switches between several different stories within the school. Story1) Girls and boys enter school in mad rush. 2) girls in bathroom taking pregency test- "I cant believe it." 3) Boys playing football- fight breaks out. "You arnt one of us anymore." Boy has left his mates for the girl. 4) Teacher calls home and informs parent of vadalisim. 5) Girl runs away.
Shots: Mostly POV, MCU, ECU, R.A edits.
Locations: Within college.
Actors: Friends.
Edits: Wipe out, fade.

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