Monday 18 October 2010


The planning process for my soap trailer was hard because the person I initially was working with became ill so I had to then drop all my ideas and join another group and pick up their ideas. In ways this benefited me though by teaching me to become more independent and plan more. 

There was certain things we had to focus on in our planning for the soap trailer such as camera shots (MCU, CU, ECU, Canted, LS, MS) and movement (Pan, tilt, track, Crane) and how the movements create meanings and feelings. Mis en scene had to be taken into account because particular locations and costumes create different meanings (location, costume, backdrop.) The props we used we things such as a mobile phone, bags, hoodys, beds ect. These were used in different scenes and different locations. Costumes that were used were normal teenage clothes suggestions of jeans and a t shirt. In the chasing scene we asked the actors to wear dark hoodys to indicate the representation of danger and youth. We used both diegetic and non diegetic sounds such as sound effects. The editing types we used are dissolves, fades, editing techniques and looked into how these create meaning and generate an emotional responce.

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